Articles and Study

Books and Booklets (pdf)

A Comparison of the Roman and Byzantine Mass - Clement C. Englert, C.SS.R.
32 pages; 8.26MB

Liturgical Catechism on the Sacrifice of the Divine Liturgy - A Catechism on the Divine Liturgy of the Byzantine-Slavonic Rite (1954)
110 pages; 35MB

Your Liturgical Year - A short account of the feasts and fasts in the Greek-Catholic Church (1949)
48 pages; 38MB

Orthodox Prayer Book - For use by the faithful of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church (1955)
Includes, in English and some Slavonic: Daily Prayers, Morning Prayers, Evening Prayers, Various Prayers, Examination of Conscience, Confession, Divine Liturgy, Troparions, Панихида/Requiem, Soldier's Prayer, Hymn of Thanksgiving
160 pages; 49MB